Welcome to Settling Nomad!
I created this website out of boredom in May’20 amidst Covid pandemic to write about our pursuit to Financial Freedom, and with it, I hope to inspire few readers or at least give them something to think about. I have met numerous people with no financial goal whatsoever, let alone planning or implementation! So with this blogging effort, I aspire to convert some of them to give Savings and Investment for their future, a thought.
While I intend to remain focused by publishing periodic (..monthly updates to begin with) blogs about our financial goals, approach & journey; I also “intend” to get distracted at times by writing on other topics spanning subjects such as Personal Experience, Travel, Food, Reviews, Politics or Pure Rant. Please pick and read!
To give you a glimpse, below is our 2025 goal showing our ambition & current year passive income, which I update on monthly basis. More on this can be found here on our goal page. I would love to engage with you on constructive and meaningful discussion especially on personal finance and investing or any other views I share on this website. If you wish, please subscribe using the below widget to stay updated on our latest posting which is currently once a month, I pinkey promise not to email you anything else.
Happy Reading and Good Luck with whatever you do!