Good Read!

Below is a list of good sources that I follow and refer for information and guidance.

Canadian Dividend All Star List:

Also known as CDASL and as the name suggests, it is a list of Canadian companies listed on Toronto Stock Exchange that pays Dividend and have increased it for at least 5 years in a row. This preliminary criteria in itself ensures the user is focused on Dividend growth stocks only, which is fundamental and of significant importance for a Dividend investor. The list is published monthly as an Excel spreadsheet with information such as Dividend streak, Growth rate, Yield along with a vast array of valuable information. You can subscribe to get this list directly in your inbox at this link. The file also explains the approach and various terminology used in the spreadsheet along with the approach to use the list. If you visit their website, they also have plenty of other useful resources to help you become financially better.

While CDASL tracks only Canadian stocks, below list of links have similar concept but for other markets:

  • US Dividend Kings – List of stocks with 50+ years of consecutive dividend increases
  • US Dividend Aristocrats – List of stocks with 25+ years of consecutive dividend increases, be a member of the S&P 500 Index, and meet certain minimum size and liquidity requirements
  • US Dividend Achievers – List of stocks with 10+ years of consecutive dividend increases, be a member of the NASDAQ Index, and meet certain minimum size and liquidity requirements
  • European Dividend Aristocrats – List of top 40 stocks paying highest dividend yields, 10+ years of consecutive dividend increases, and be a member of S&P Europe Broad Market Index (BMI)

Another list of dividend payers is more of an inspiration, it is not the list of companies with consecutive dividend increase but companies paying dividend since 100 years or more! You can find the list here.